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2021 Orientation Schedule

Posted almost 4 years ago .

Blazer Beginnings Parent & Family Orientation Schedule

1:30-2:20 PM CT
Student Success Workshops
Students are required to attend. Family members are welcome.
Select one of the below workshops to attend. We recommend participating in a separate session from your student to maximize your exposure to campus resources.  Each hyperlink will take you directly to the Zoom link for the presentation.  

  • Budgeting for the College Student: UAB staff and students will help you design a budget for your student taking into account your own personal financial situation.
  • Embracing the City as Your Classroom: Discover the variety of ways your student can engage with the city and UAB's campus to expand on what they’re learning in the classroom and to make them more competitive for the job market or graduate/professional schools.
  • Making College Make Sense: If you’re not quite sure how college works, this session will help you navigate the new terms, resources, and processes you may encounter on a college campus.
  • Succeeding in the Classroom: Learn some practical skills that will set your student up for academic success their first semester at UAB.

2:30-3:20 PM CT
UAB Student Organizations and Services Expo
Students are required to attend. Family members are welcome.
Visit both links to see all the participating student organizations and support services offices.

  • Orientation Expo Room 1: Meet with a variety of student organizations in areas such as student leadership, service, faith-based, dance, and more.
  • Orientation Expo Room 2: Meet with fraternities and sororities, academic organizations, honor societies, student support services offices, and local banks

3:30-4:20 PM CT
Student Services Panel
Students are required to attend. Family members are welcome.

  • Representatives will be available to answer your questions from a variety of UAB departments such as Academic Advising, Campus Dining, Student Housing and Residence Life, Student Health and Wellness, and the Family Resource Council

4:30-5:00 PM CT

Student Panel
This session is meant specifically for family members! Students are attending their second small group meeting at this time.

  • Take this opportunity to ask questions of current UAB students.
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