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Posted over 5 years ago .

Wahoo! Your student has accepted your connection request! If your student has also accepted your requested FERPA permissions, you'll be able to see aspects of their academic and financial record too. 

New student data loads into The Uab Family Hub overnight, so be sure to check back tomorrow morning in order to view your student's information.

Moving forward, you’ll receive an email notification any time your student's record is updated or new student data becomes available. You can also check your student's information by visiting The Uab Family Hub and clicking on the graduation cap in the top right corner. 

Thanks, and don't hesitate to contact us with any questions!

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Christopher Williams over 4 years ago said

Did he allow you to see those pieces. If memory serves me correctly, there were options to show only some or all. My daughter allowed me to see all under the FERPA guidelines.

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Tiffany Johnson over 4 years ago said

Yes! Your student have to grant you permission under the FERPA guidelines. I know it seems as if we’re being treated like the student rather than the parent.


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