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Career Planning

A black and photo with "Career Center" written across the middle
Posted over 5 years ago  in Career Support.

The UAB Career Center located in the Division of Student Affairs at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Members of our team seek to provide innovate career programs and resources to students, alumni, employers, faculty, and families. All of our services are free to students and alumni.

We are connected with the National Association of Colleges and Employers, Alabama Association of Colleges and Employers, Southeast Association of Colleges and Employers, National Career Development Association, and The Career Leadership Collective. Our engagement in these organization helps us to stay current and equipped with best practices.

Family play a vital role in the future career success of their student. The UAB Career Center seeks to equip and empower you with information that you can use to engage your student. The UAB Career Center seeks to support student and to provide meaningful career resources and programs which include:

  • One-on-one advising with a Career Consultant
  • On-campus recruitment with national and international employers
  • Connections to graduate and professional schools
  • Innovative technology and cutting edge online applications for practicing interviews, honing resumes, or conducting employer and industry research
  • Access to employment on- and off-campus, work-study, internships, volunteer and summer opportunities

We also encourage you to stay updated with the Office of Parent & Family Services.

We look forward to helping students accomplish their goals.

Our Mission

To engage and empower members of the UAB community through meaningful career and experiential learning opportunities, to revolutionize the future of work.

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